The smart wrestler who has learned to take the right lessons from each practice, drill, match, coach’s or parent’s sermon always should come to the conclusion that there is no one to blame…even himself. Blame is beside the point. Blame has nothing to do with it. The answer must be found though. The question is what needs to be changed and how will I do it? Figure that out, get to work and improve. Very simple. This is what can be learned from wrestling, incremental improvement through practice. The smart wrestler, win or lose, walks off the mat wiser and better for the experience. Continuous improvement…there’s always more to learn.
A focused and coachable wrestler will also learn that a coach, parent, teammate or even a videotape can be the key objective view needed to help analyze and find that next area to work on. The thing about wrestling is there will always be something more to improve, some aspect of the sport to understand better, a strategy or tactic to master. One thing for sure is there will be plenty of people to help but at the match when you hit the mat, it is all on you.
So, what are you going to do?
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