Monday, November 12, 2012

Bullet Boast

This week we are highlighting senior wrestler Peter Renda.

How many years have you been wrestling?
I started wrestling when I was in first grade.  I went to an open gym and loved it!

What is your favorite wrestling move?
My favorite move is Russian tie.  It was hard to learn at first but now it is easy and I can score a lot of points with it.

What is some of your wrestling highlights?
Placing third at Super 32 this year.  Placing at states for 3 years in a row has been special.

What is your favorite food out of season?
I love cheeseburgers and french fries.

What is your favorite food in season?
In season I eat a lot of eggs and I love any fruit.

What advice would you give the elementary school wrestlers?
Get twice as good as you were last year...It is all about continuous improvement.

Any plans for next year?
Heading to NCSU to wrestle with Coach Poppolizio and major in engineering.

"You got anything else for us?"
Pack Mentality!

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